Pat Carrigan - Divilla
 Xem hình ảnh (8)

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Ngày tham gia:14 Jun 2023
Ngày gần nhất:14 Jan 2024

Về tôi

I am a retired Texas Football coach. I started shooting pictures in college. My dad took a lot of photos during his time the the Navy and I picked photography up from him. I have mainly taken sports pictures since I know the game and found it pretty easy. But I want to be able to do more. I have been lucky enough to have worked with a few models and really enjoy something different than sports. The times I have shot models they were very relaxed and a lot of fun. I love seeing people smile and be happy about what they are doing. I get that from years of coaching. This site would give me the avenue to shoot models for their benefit and mine in becoming better. The work Ive done with models was good because of them. They made the shot. With a little direction from me. I always give credit to whoever I work with. Because the finished product is them not me. My web site is sports oriented. Since I shoot HS kids I didnt want to have mature material on there. I would like to shoot some older ladies. 35 years plus. I dont think sometimes they may not get enough work. But I do understand the business and what sells sells. Thanks for your consideration. IG Irrationally.Confident