View Photos (1)

Join:17 Aug 2012
Last:17 Aug 2012

About Me

I've done a lot of different kinds of photography over the last 30 or so years. Now I enjoy having the freedom to work only on projects that interest me for one reason or another -- the scope can be very diverse. Many involve nudes, such as art nudes, fashion nudes, dance, fire twirling. Some don't, but I'm very selective about those. I prefer to work with models who are as comfortable nude as with clothes, whether the images turn out nude or clothed. Life's just too short to work with people who aren't comfortable in their own skin.

The ability to express emotion either in your face or a pose, and an understanding of light, are much more important than perfect curves.

If you would like to collaborate, get in touch and let's create some images we'll both be happy with.

