Bill  Husted - Tye
 View Photos (94)

Join:9 Apr 2003
Last:18 Oct 2016

About Me

I'm back on OMP after a long absence and, heck, it's nice to be back. I am really selective with my shooting these days. I got to a point where everything I did started to look the same to me. It was good work I think but - other than rare exceptions - not something that broke the mold. Since I earn my living as a writer, not as a photographer, I've decided to make each shoot really count and for it to at least have the potential for great work. So I'm especially interested in hearing from models who have innovative projects or shoots in mind - or models who have a unique look or presence that may spark some ideas of my own. I'd be glad to hear from anyone but I may end up not shooting - even with terrific models - if I don't feel as if I can push the envelope in the work I'm doing.