Zoe Meisel
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Вес:108 lbs
Размер обуви:9
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Другая
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:2 Dec 2009
Последние:11 Jun 2010

О себе

My Name is Zoe, I am French, Vietnemese, and Mexican. I can speak french Fluently, a little bit of spanish, vietnemese and japanese. I am passionate about art and fashion. I have my own fashion Label and I make lots of pretty dresses. I want to represent mixed models. I hope to meet many others with my same dreams and aspirations.

Selective TF work, but contact me, It does happen ;]

What you can expect!
-I am exactly what my measurements ect depict
-I am a hard worker, and very driven, also, I am very intelligent and I know my limits and boundaries so please respect them!
-I have graduated from cosmetology school so my nails/hair/skin is always in good shape
-I am very aware of my surroundings and body
-I am ALWAYS punctual, but I am patient as well, just don't take advantage of that patience please!
-I am a very nice person, I crack a lot of jokes, and I like to have fun, but I know when to be serious ;]

I love to do tasteful, fashion forward shoots,
I'm very about provideing my own wardrobe, so I hope that is not a problem.

Some times MM messes up and won't let me log on, so if you really want me to attend a shoot, it might be better to email me,

ALSO! if you are a model, you should check on my Designs on my MM account 'zozocouture" I need some!



Walt's Photo's #1354680
Just Elias #1241297
Candace Wakefield #1369102
Kevin Russ
Steven Oviedo (my boyfriend)
Inkblotch #616583

Johanna Williams #1238607
N I C H O L L E#1358777

Fashion Designer's
StantonJames ( http://www.stantonjames.com )
Bullco ( http://www.bullco.bigcartel.com )
Zozocouture #1370679
God Bless America


02 Dec 09 13:50
Welcome to IStudio
02 Dec 09 12:41
Welcome to iStudio. You have a great start on your port. I'm looking forward to seeing more of you in the future.
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