О себе

Ever since I was about 13 I’ve been interested in photography. Even after using my Dads credit card to subscribe to a years’ worth of Time Magazines just to get a 35mm film camera for free, I’ve had camera of some sorts in my hand.

You can message me here anytime, but for the fastest way to get in touch, email: photoshoots@dionnewcomb.com as it'll go through to my iPhone so I can answer quickly if it's important.

I'm keen to try out anything new or interesting. I can do a shoot on a days notice and I certainly don't mind doing TFP, cause quite frankly, people have helped me out, so I don't mind helping out others.

I'm now able to print out my own proofs on quality Ilford paper. I can provide a priced package to suit YOUR needs!


Model Shoots
Allison Brookes - Diamond Promotions
Keira Ashley - Private contact
Greer Rigby - Private contact
Lindah Sriamporn - #1478081
Melissa-Kate - #448108
Alan Collins - #1128170
Katina Fimmel - #705243
Allyce Ardern - #1429295
Rebecca Frith - #638658
Rachel Parry-Dixon - #746236

Make Up Artists
Glen Evans - #1435550
Wei Chi - #1236702

Photography Workshops
David Reid (trainer) - #699618
Edward Hor (trainer) - #547082


30 Apr 11 09:43
Thanks for the add. Great work x
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