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Вес:145 lbs
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Средней длины
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Темная
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:14 Sep 2010
Последние:26 Oct 2010

О себе

Hi, my name is Persistance I'm a 22 year old college student. I love to model, take pictures, and storm a runway! I want to pursue career and take it as far as possible. I may only be 5'4" but I'm the baddest short model you'll see. Give me a pair of 4in or higher pumps and I'll definetly "Rip the Runway." Sky is the limit and I want to go past it. The easiest way to contact me is via e-mail The names Persistance you'll never forget it. *kisses* Hope to hear from you soon


Timeless Image #505960
Mike Hamlett #697573
Plush Makeup Artistry #1130074


05 Jan 11 17:39
Are you still arround these pages? Would be interested in discussing your ideas!
16 Sep 10 21:24
Hello and welcome to istudio.
16 Sep 10 16:43
Just visiting your page to say hi and welcome. Please let me know if you're ever in need of professional photo retouching
15 Sep 10 10:26
Welcome to iStudio! :@) Pietro
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