nevaeh milan
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Вес:130 lbs
Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:По плечи
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Black
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Вступить:7 Sep 2010
Последние:13 Oct 2010

О себе

I am an aspiring Fashion model. I specialize in runway more urban , but I’m also interested in doing print.I started modeling when i was 7 in a group called little divas.i modeled with my highschool in a group called dcmi. I have done a variety of fashion shows with each one I learned something new.I was apart of a modeling group "UNPARAGONED MODELS INC" there i learne so much on runway . I’m hard working and determined. I am willing to try new things. Not afraid of doing nude photo shoots body paint or even shoots with animals. I am here to build my print portfolio. I can be fierce but also soft. The best way to contact me would be by email. My email is DANIKAADDISON@YAHOO.COM or via cell 4434387103. Thank you to anyone who shows interest in me. I look to hearing from you.






08 Sep 10 14:23
Just visiting your page to say hi and welcome. Please let me know if you're ever in need of professional photo retouching
07 Sep 10 15:30
Welcome to iStudio....Had a blast working with you over the weekend.
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