О себе

Photography is my passion that i just had realized couple of years ago. Since then never missed a day without having my camera in my hands and improving my skills.
Interesting with conceptual photography especially model conceptual photography and frankly speaking....hmm...anything to do with my camera actually.
I am currently using d700 + 70-200 VRII + 14-24 + 85 mm1.8 G + 50 mm 1.4 as my very versatile partners in making exposure, hence there are peoples using same stuffs would be very interested to share some experience with...
my very precious experience is that time make some exposure for couple of indonesian celebrities...
i am working for my own satisfaction so cost and fee is very relatives...and most of the time is free of charge if the time and concept sounds challenging to me...though expenses and accommodation is fully covered if shoot out of town other than Jakarta...fair enough right ? :-)
Would like to hear from you that need my services..:-)