О себе

I'm a full time Professional Photographer with over 10 years experience.

Although I have done a wide variety of work including Wedding, commercial, corporate fashion and been published in a variety of magazines and advertisements, these days I going back to specialising in glamour portrait work with a difference.

I am currently Looking to re-vamp my folio with some new photos and preparing for an exhibition later in the year. I am wanting to explore a new style of Photographs using edgy new lighting and post processing techniques to create images that are original, personalised, edgy, sexy, elegant and have a lot of impact to the viewer.

I have a lot of experience working with both beginner and non models as well as experienced talent and have no trouble coming up with ideas and finding the shots at locations to direct whomever I am working with to get the best images possible.

I am hoping to find some models here who are like me and wanting to push their knowledge and experience and try new things without the pressure of having to come up with the good on paid shoots. It is my experience that when there is a freedom to try new ideas and push the envelope that a lot of things can be learned rather than having to just do the "safe" shots for clients.

If any models are interested in working together on truly joint projects and are happy with going the extra mile to use unusual locations, shoot at whatever time of day or night gets the best pic and have a fun but serious attitude towards creating something different, let's talk about working together.



20 Jan 11 10:21
Hi & Welcome. ;0) Pietro
19 Jan 11 07:07
Outstanding images, hope u have a great 2011!!
17 Jan 11 22:37
I like your portfolio. Lots of photos are very refreshing and nicely done.
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