 Xem hình ảnh (62)

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Ngày tham gia:25 Jul 2013
Ngày gần nhất:1 Aug 2013

Về tôi

Hello, my name Is Timothy. I just thought I should welcome you to my Model Mayhem page, I hope you enjoy. Life is to short to sit still, get up and make a little noise. Art should be expressed with the utmost freedom, don't let the world tell you you can or cannot do something. We can create anything, the imagination is our only limit.

I'm primarily a lifestyle wedding and portrait photographer. My passion is to capture the real you on film, I don'€™t want to look back and not recognize the little pieces of your personality that make you who you are. All too often I find people posing, putting on fake smiles to get their picture taken. It's just so much more fun when people let you in, giving you a glimpse of their true selves. It'€™s always fun shooting with new people, you get a chance to try new things and just come at the shoot from a new perspective. Even though we don'€™t mean to, we often put people in boxes, making certain assumptions about them from what we have observed and heard. Not just that, but I think it might get a little boring if we took pictures of the same thing over and over again. There is only so many ways you can shoot an apple, I mean you have it on the tree, falling from the tree, on the ground, in the hand, sliced up, sitting on a bench as the sun sets casting a gentle glow on him. No matter how handsome the apple is he would get boring, thats why we like to spice it up a little, maybe add a little cinnamon.

I am definitely open to new ideas and other types of shoots. My passion is to create art, wether it is on the sensual side or the fun and crazy side. I'm open to your creativity during or before the shoots, if there is something you have always wanted to try feel free to bring it up. I think we could come up with some amazing shots working together, but if you don't have any ideas I'm sure I can come up with something that will fit you as a person. I want every shoot to be a fun experience for both parties. If you're interested please send me a link. Thank you, I hope you have a great day...

Tín chỉ

Mallory Erin #2834505 (New)
Vanna Noel #1367264 x2 (New)
MNIC #2299183
Ambrelle #1769162
Erin Dinkins #2091620
ElyseHelene #506580
Lex Carruth #2006439
Jadeth H #1661067
Meg #1961134
Melinda Alice Day #1902257
Heather DeShea #1457301
Mrs Gabriel #1882878
Hailey Hess #1941604
Kate Cooper #1394087
Rose Silkey MM#1197005
Cheyenne Jones MM#1403024
Meli J. MM#1644139
CF ashley MM#1701705
Nicoleann MM#1890922
Gaealena Bennett MM#1458510
X Tilley MM#1849316
Shannon Reeves MM#1619883
Page Montgomery MM#1705679
Lani Allison MM#1419524
April Hogan MM#593440
Ali B
Elise C
Jessica H
Katie V
Stormy L


01 Aug 13 00:22
Thanks for The friendship. Loved ur beautiful port
30 Jul 13 21:29
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