
In the eyes of Fong Lo. You'll see great beautiful art. Capturing life's true essence through various moments. From the swift motion through the wind. To the heighten emotions in life's journey. Frozen in a timeless masterpiece. Enhanced by the digital flow that brings deep meaning. To become alive and sparkling.

That is my vision. For the hidden words within my work. Only replicate my true inner passion. Expression fascination with reality makes all the mere dreams. Sparkle ever more! From each shot I take.


Models I worked with.
CoCo Vaj / Mayhem #1265984
Charise Olander / Mayhem #365771
Selina Xiong / Mayhem #1007722
Alysha Williams / Mayhem #1470436
Kayla Navin / Mayhem #1449714
Hnub / Mayhem #844541
Little D Ambrosia / Mayhem #1991413
CyndiS / Mayhem #1330754
Megan Steimle / Mayhem #2270173
Garrett T Anderson / Mayhem #2351103
Shaquita M Hill / Mayhem #3005552

Makeup work done by
Wanda aka Colour Law Mayhem #1995796

Other accomplishments:
photo published in 2010 Capitol Models Look book

Photographed Reno 2014 Bachata Festival

poetry published in Enchanted Shadows

nude art works published in Rolling Thunder Quarterly: Spring 2011

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