Joanna - Office work
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加入:20 Nov 2014
最后:5 Sep 2015


LATEST INFO: My brand new website is running! :D
Sign up and get access to photos and videos of mine that you won't see anywhere else (including this profile here).. ;) By becoming my site's member, you support me to buy me much better equipment and create much better photos and videos, out of usual expectations :)
(Due to some issues I'm handling with, I'm not available for any shooting for the moment... :/ I hope this soon to change)


Hello, I'm Joanna (I love mystery a bit, so you can call me Blonde Succubus... :)), an English teacher and a model for several years. I pose for photography and drawing/ painting. I'm serious, willing to follow artist's orders and always IN TIME on photo shoots. I created this profile after a very talented photographer and good friend advised me to do so, hoping that I will meet really passionate and creative persons who would be interested in working with me :)

I pose only for paid assignments: TF could be an option, but only for dressed shoots and also for few, really talented people with a great concept that would add sth definitely positive to my portfolio. (Offered nice pieces of clothing used in photo shoot could work as a plus :) But in any case, my rates are beyond reasonable, so contact with me to let you know. :) What mainly counts for me is the right "chemistry" among model and photographer, so if I find out that we have this, then the rates are really negotiable ;)

Yes, I do pose for nudes, but up to level of covered nudity for the moment: in order to accept a half/full nudity concept, I must really find satisfactory the compensation you give, to like your concept's idea and quality of your work and once again to feel that there is the right chemistry among us, really important. :) I do NOT do any nude for TF.

I was in Greece and Italy, just moved to Poland, but I don't know where my next step will be, so take the chance to propose me your concept now... ;)


Akis a.r.t. (from photographers who have a profile here)


29 Nov 14 11:52
Hope you have great fun in Italy Joanna and that we create many more things whenever we meet again :) Hugs from Athens! :)
24 Nov 14 13:22
Nice work!