 View Photos (5)

 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:130 lbs
Measurements:31-25-36 in
Shoe Size:9
Hair Color:Brown
Hair Length:Long
Eye Color:Blue
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:White
Experience:Some Experience
Join:3 Jul 2006

About Me

I am 17 years old and attending high school. I enjoy dancing (lyrical,hip hop,jazz, etc.), playing womens fastball competitively, cheerleading, and playing music. If not competing in one of the above activities I like to say I'm on a beach somewhere or working. The photos I have are not professional, they are actually taken by my 12 year old sister:) who supports me greatly in everything I do. I am currently working towards the high fashion aspect of modeling and hope to enter into the art and busisness within the next year. If anyone is ineterested in helping me expand my portfolio or would like me for work despite my inexperience let me know, travel is easy for me. Also any comments or advice are welcome I'm always up for pointers and opinions:) Just e-mail me at