King Capture
 View Photos (11)

Join:31 Dec 2011
Last:31 Dec 2011

About Me

**DaveG seeks to revolutionize the arts.

**I want to be known as one who brings a merger of art and beauty to photography. I enjoy working to draw out a person's beauty and capturing it at just the right moment. Hopefully, looking away from my work will be a difficult thing to do. I don't believe this will require perfect looking people only that they were captured at the perfect moment.

**Contact me if you want to talk about how we can capture your beauty. Let's see if we can set artistic & photographic trends.

**Nude is not a substitute for fresh creativity. 99% of the time it is beautiful form being trampled by muddy boots. As for the other 1%... It is more romantic to keep the secret.

**Currently Accepting a Limited Number of TFP's**

