dancer07420 - Pitchfork
 View Photos (5)

 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:140 lbs
Measurements:35-32-38 in
Shoe Size:9.5
Hair Color:Blonde
Hair Length:Long
Eye Color:Blue
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:White
Experience:Some Experience
Join:3 Dec 2006

About Me

Hello! My name is Mackenzie, most people call me Kenzie. I'm 18 years old and i have had an interest in modeling for sometime now. I can't say that i'm an experienced person when it comes to modeling, but i have done shoots for shooting stars, advertizment, posters, and i was featured in a commercial a few years ago for R.O.A.D RAGE. These were all done when i was younger. Since then i haven't done much except for the classic senior pictures. That was really fun for me, and that's why i decided i wanted to start to get back into it.

I think that this site will help me meet some photographers in the madison area or somewhere close to madison. I'm also hoping that i will be able to start up a portfolio. I think it would be very cool to have an intersting portfolio. I am up for pretty much anything besides nude shoots.

Sometime this fall i plan on being in a runway show that features Heather Hambrecht's clothing line HOME. She's my cousin and her work is really amazing, if you're into artistic clothing or out of the ordinary, i suggest you check out her website, so let me know if you want it. In September i will be traveling to Milwaukee for a photo shoot for the NYC Model Search. In early November i plan on going to Chi-town for a modeling expo for the NYC Model Search. This is a great oppurtunity for me and i am very excited.

If you're interested in contacting me, your best bet would be by email (dancer07420 at If you're interested in shooting me please give me some background information about yourself, the date you would like to shoot, time, and place. At any shoot i will be accompanied by my mother atleast until i feel comfortable with the photographer.

