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 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:110 lbs
Measurements:34-25-36 in
Shoe Size:6
Hair Color:Blonde
Hair Length:Long
Eye Color:Blue
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:White
Join:8 Jul 2009

About Me

i am a very unique looking girl with an edgy sharp look which people seem to find interesting and like about me, I love to look after my figure and appearance as it’s important in my modeling as just in general! I absolutely love my fashion especially designer, bags, shoes, clothes, jewelry. I am very confident in front of the camera as I feel very relaxed and comfortable. I love to socialize and have a good time. My dream would be to become a professional model I would love to be in a magazine/brochure catolgue/calander or an advert on TV! i would pretty much love to do any assignment as its all great experience and love modeling all together.
