 View Photos (4)

 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:90 lbs
Measurements:30-24-31 in
Shoe Size:5
Hair Color:Black
Hair Length:Long
Eye Color:Black
Ethnicity :Asian
Skin Color:Tanned
Experience:Some Experience
Join:6 Sep 2009

About Me

Hi all, my name is Eunice, rockerella is my stage name, and I'm a dancer.

I'm constantly looking for opportunities to update my portfoilo. I would like to do unique themes. Roadshows and events are most welcomed also. I'm not very comfortable with nude themes, however bikini and lingerie shoots will be taken into consideration. I would love to collaborate with more photographers, make-up artists and wardrobe stylists.

If you're interested in engaging me as your model, feel free to drop me an email at Please include the theme, rates, and your portfolio link. Thankyou :)