Brad Rickerby - New Year 2000
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Join:9 Jun 2001

About Me

I am a professional photographer with close to 20 years experience. I have worked in the areas of celebrity photography, photojournalism, advertising photography,travel photography and stock photography. I have been published in virtually every major magazine in the world. My credits are worldwide and include such publications as Vogue, Playboy, Playgirl, Elle, Time, Life, Newsweek, Paris Match (in France), People, Us, Bunte (in Germany), Who (in Australia), Hello (in England), Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Semana (in Spain), Caras (in Brazil) and many, many more. I have, during my career, had the opportunity to photograph such notables as John Kennedy,Jr., Princess Diana, Madonna, various supermodels, Michael Jackson, Gwenyth Paltrow and, well, the list is basically endless.


18 Sep 14 12:50
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