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 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:120 lbs
Measurements:32-25-35 in
Shoe Size:6
Hair Color:Brown
Hair Length:Long
Eye Color:Hazel
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:Olive
Experience:Some Experience
Join:3 Sep 2012

About Me

Hey thanks for checking me out.

I am aiming to work more in the fashion/editorial end of modelling; however, I do do lingerie and swimwear, as long as it is classy and not legs akimbo.

I have put my location as Loughborough because that is where I am at university- I live in West Sussex at Christmas, Easter and the Summer. I am willing to travel as long as travel expenses are paid for (we all know how poor students are) and it will benefit my portfolio.

I am relatively new to the wonderful world of modelling and am in search of that one iconic photograph that lasts the test of time, so if you feel you can help me produce that, get in touch!

I am fine with implied (tasteful) topless, but do not think that I will be persuaded to go any further. Because I will not. I stick to what I am comfortable with and what my ideas are for the shoot.

I am looking for like-minded, creative people to work with and create something truly beautiful and artistic.

If you add me as a friend, please make your intentions (ie. collaborations etc) known to me. Also, as my emails on here are limited, if you are keen to make contact include your email address in the message. Thanks.

Oh, one more thing: I'm currently participating in Fresher's Fortnight at my Uni, so if I don't get back to you, that'd be why :)


14 Nov 10 14:33
Great Look
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