 View Photos (11)

Join:3 Sep 2012
Last:6 Sep 2012

About Me

So photography has always been a passion of mine that I hope to one day turn into a career. I studied for awhile at Southbank Tafe so I generally know what I'm doing.

Losing my digital cameras and my external hard drive have been a massive setback for me in 2011 but I hope to have new stuff by mid 2012.

I generally find my style a little different to some others as I like to experiment and learn. Sometimes it creates magical things other times it just blows up in my face.
I'm just trying to expand my skills and knowledge any way I can.

I'm primarily film based now but I'm still keen for the odd shoot now and then. I just find you film requires you spend just that little bit more time to make sure the shot is perfect.

