CLW Photography
 View Photos (20)

Join:20 Sep 2010
Last:20 Sep 2010

About Me

NO ............. Friend Request accepted without prior communication. I don't know you or your work!

**** Time for image files only ****

My photography goal is simple; I want to get better with every shoot. This is why I do this. Therefore, TF* is what I offer you in exchange for your modeling. Please keep in mind that we will work together. It’s not about me directing/instructing you on how to model.

What I offer for your time: I provide five (5) edited photographic images (files) to the model for the shoot. I NEVER give a CD of all of the images from a shoot. I especially never provide unedited photographs to anyone. The model selects the five (5) files she/he wants me to edit from the shoot and I provide a link to download them for the models use to promote him/herself. The model is NOT allowed to sale the images under any circumstance unless we make a prior agreement.

Where I shoot: For indoor work I use my "home studio" in Troy. It's not a super large studio setting but it works for most of my needs. If you have a different indoor location you prefer we can discuss it.

For outdoors we have numerous options....let's share reasonable ideas.

What I shoot: Not un-sexy looks. Yes, I like to keep it sexy (ie, lingerie, swim suits, implied, etc).

Escorts: No. They are not welcome. I am a keep to myself kind of photographer and like to get the job done in a professional environment. No exceptions.










Thank you for reading my profile
Me ----> 0



21 Sep 10 01:59
Just visiting your page to say hi and welcome! Please let me know if you're ever in need of assistance retouching your images
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