The Son of the Sun
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Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:Есть опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:23 Oct 2013
Последние:25 Oct 2013

О себе

Hello and thanks for taking your time and stopping by, all your coments, tags, lists and messages are very well appreciated.

Feel free to contact me for any work/collaboration you wanna do with me.

I'm an actor and model from Spain.

I'm currently living in London, but seems in the near future I'll be able to go back to LA, so ya'll wish me luck. I hopefully get my working visa accepted soon.

You can check out my work and updates on my website:

There you'll find mostly everything you need, my portfolio, acting demo reel, and there's also a blog where you can see the work I keep doing with the people I work and there I describe the shoot, how it all went, the people I worked with and my feelings towards it.

I'm in London. Planning my next move by August/September (Maybe one or 2 months more), will be Los Angeles, California. but I'd probably be moving around the States as I'm looking after many ideas, collaborating with many artists and people. So if you're an artist (and if you have a profile on here, you are one) and you wanna start a collaboration. Just drop a line and let's create!

I write sometimes aswell and I like being behind the cameras too so I get to learn better to make it easier for everyone.

I do modeling as well.

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People I've worked with:

Rebecca Van Omen #499302

Ksenia Dubenska #2112455

Myo Mint #2733277

PhotoShippy (Krisztian Sipos) #1314720

UltraDarling #2857480 (not on MM anymore)

Branislav #794153

Mark Chivers #2220944

Image 23 #260195

Antonia Lyall #2807148

Carly Model #847786

Miss CM #1422090