О себе

Looking for modeling work out of Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, LA, or Miami.
Need photos to build my portfolio
Paid Assignments only:)
no nudity


10 Apr 15 07:15
Katy great look, I think the question is what other kind of work would you consider? Lingerie? Sheer? Beauty? I would use that long lean look and work the fashion maybe hit Italy with me if you want to work for next to nothing for future agencies pickups
11 Aug 14 14:45
Nice look! You need to get in front of as many photographers as you can!!
17 Feb 14 08:20
nice port ... feEd bAcK oN tHIs Please ...www.clevelandphotogroup.com
11 Feb 14 17:38
Gorgeous fashion model look, with excellent face and body.
17 Jan 14 14:32
Welcome to iStudio! Gorgeous port so far. Best of luck to you :)
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