Stephanie  Grace - Odds and Ends     |     Self-Styled
 Смотреть фотографии (19)

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Вес:140 lbs
Параметры:35-26-36 in
Размер обуви:10
Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:карие
Национальность :Азиатская
цвет кожи:Другая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:взависимости от работы
Вступить:21 Mar 2009
Последние:3 Sep 2009

О себе

Hey there! I'm Stephanie, and I'm hoping to meet new people in the area who are interested in doing collaborative projects. If you've got anything experimental and creative on your mind, drop me a note!


| Theatricality, masks, atmosphere
| The dark, eccentric, and romantic
| Strange old circuses
| Zombies and vampires and monsters, oh my!
| Oceans and being underwater
| Ancient civilizations
| Art nouveau and avant-garde fashion
| Antiquity, burlesque, vaudeville
| Steampunk and punk cabaret
| Storybooks, puppetry, faeries
| Victorian noir, absurdism, surreality
| Mysticism, spirituality, religious history

I've got a lot of diverse ideas in my head, so if you're into creating over-the-top images, let me know! I am quite open with trying new ideas.

Modifications: My hair currently has turquoise streaks. I now also have a silver hoop lip ring and labret on the right side.

Feel free to check out my credits below.


MM Photographers:
FrogHaven Photography #652212
Gii Bii Studio Inc #361822
Benjamin Kwan #126167
Ei Katsumata #429867
ghphotography #539039
Shayne Johnson #42562
Dan Driediger #717934
Arznix #148758
Albert Normandin #102289
Janis Brass #665511
Neverending Photography #129355
Oak Street Studios #321596
Benjamin Luk #690706
Andrina Fawcett #439254
Dave Naman #572508
Scott Chin #467847
Murder City Angels #169758
Astroluno #792802
Incantico Photography #690135

MM Hair, Makeup, & Clothing:
Catriona Armour #1039520
Ron Zalko Holiday Party: emLotusWear/em Fashion Show
Sara Goinez #630853
Gustopher #265860
Nassim Ghani #741049
Amy Wutzke #187350 (em'Style Segments with Amy' on Global TV/em)
Aeni #579511
Sarah Alicia Thomas #724209
House of Hsieh #704741
Monique Makeup Artistry #671503
Beauty-A-Go-Go #149501
Zoiya #713740
Elie Kim #640364


11 Feb 11 06:57
Impressive port....I am hypnotised by your photos.
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