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 英制 (lbs/in.)
 公制 (kg/cms.)
体重:125 lbs
三围:36-28-35 in
人种 :白人
加入:22 Feb 2009
最后:24 Aug 2010


I've never done any modeling before but it'd be nice to at least try to a little before I start aging. I'm in the process of losing weight and getting back in shape, that's why I don't really have any full body shots up, yet! My belly button is pierced as well as 3 holes in both ears. I have double rook now (yay, just today!)(look it up.) Got a tattoo! It's on my left ankle, its very artistic-y. I'll probably put a shot of it soon. :) nudity... pass. My hair changes VERY often.. usually every three months I've got a different color or style, I love to change it up. I'm extremely versatile when it comes to color and style, it's currently boring blah brown, but I can pull off pretty much any color, style, etc.
I love photography, I've only taken a few sets of photography including people though, and they turned out rather nice. I'm more into out of the ordinary natural minus anything human plus animals/plants/other life. Get it?

I'm aware my pictures suck. I have no experience whatsoever. All of the pictures I have up have been taken by myself. Pretty much, just let me know what you think.


11 Jun 11 06:48
On-Location Models are holding interviews TODAY for models seeking bookings for PRINT ADVERTISEMENTS. Most print ads pay $3,000 to $5,000 for a one-day booking. Interviews in SATURDAY June 11th. in Houston, TX. 1pm - 8pm 786-416-5213
11 Dec 09 23:32
Awesome look Lindsey! We should work together and if you are interested in contributing to our magazine, feel free to message me: Mike
16 Oct 09 11:17
let's shoot this weekend !!!
13 Oct 09 09:54
Lin.. Ask someone to take your pics.. You'll make a pretty good model!
15 Sep 09 08:30
sooo adorable!! i wish i lived closer, you would be a pleasure to work with!!
27 Aug 09 00:19
Thank you for your all too kind comment! If your ever in Dallas hit me up!
15 Jul 09 10:47
Love the look, best of luck with work. Cheers Sands
01 Jul 09 23:33
Thanks for allowing the friend's add and leaving the kind picture comments! I'm easy to get hold of if you'd like to work together
28 May 09 18:43
Lindsey, Good start...Keep shooting! If I can help in any way, let me know!