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I am learning new ways to shoot every day. and I thank iStudio and the talented members who have inspire me to do better.

I enjoy bringing out the beauty and erotic nature in a lovely woman. I take pleasure in being the instrument to express that beauty, in my photography..

I work with models that work hard to look their best - a healthy diet, regular exercise and general TLC are all essential. What you wear is also important. But looking great is only half the job. Being professional is a must. This means showing up on time, having a positive attitude and generally getting along with everyone at the casting or on the shoot. If you can do all this, your chances of a good career will increase enormously.
Remember that competition for work is fierce and standards today are higher than ever.

I consider my work to be art In order correctly to define art, it is necessary, first of all, to cease to consider it as a means to pleasure and to consider it as one of the conditions of human life. Art is a product of human creativity.just standing there doing mom and pop photos is OK it do not show creativity it does not bring out the person it is plain.I push the boundaries of traditional art forms by including the unique Ideas of my clients.Through careful planning and passion for art allows me to create and capture that incredible moment. MORE OF MY WORK





31 Mar 14 13:42
Gorgeous port!
20 Apr 10 21:27
Thank you for the friends request. I wish you much success! Lea Jol'an
19 Apr 10 13:34
Thanks for the Welcome!