
Digital Light and Illusions - www.DigitalLightIllusions.com
Columbus Vogue - www.ColumbusVogue.com
Uptown Vogue - www.UptownVogue.com

Glamour! - Fashion! - Headshots! - Artistic! - Comp Cards!- Portfolios! - Portraits! - Senior Portfolios! - Weddings and Bridal!


You will find that I am easy to work with and will listen to what type of images you want for your style of modeling. If you aren't sure, we will try different looks and styles to find one that you like and that works for you. I will give you direction as needed; we work together. During the shoot, we will review the images on a TV screen, usually just before going to the next outfit. This helps us to see if we are on the right track and make corrections DURING the photo session (the models all love this). I have a good sense of humor and will do everthing I can to make the session enjoyable and relaxing.

I will endeavor to capture a variety of expressions and poses which will show your diversity, personality, and your creative side. Outfits? Bring the usual to the outlandish.

What looks do you want? Stylish, sassy, feminine, sophisticated, sexy, fashionable, cheerful, funny, relaxed, soft, warm, light, dark, artistic, mysterious... ? From fashion to glamour, we will work together to achieve them. If you have an artistic side that likes to experiment with different lighting, poses, and effects, we can do that, too. If you have any special ideas or look alikes, I'm always willing to try those.

I have many photos on http://www.onemodelplace.com/dliphoto and, my main site is http://www.DLIphoto.com

All models, but especially models newer to the business, PLEASE go to my personal website, http://www.dliphoto.com, and read Modeling 101. I've had many models and photographers thank me for putting that up, especially the parts about 'Safety' and 'The Shoot'.

I do love working with all of you, so take a look below and don't be afraid to ask about TFCD. Some things I consider for TFCD shoots are:

1) Photos are to be used for magazine or print that you have already lined up and I get photography credit and a tear sheet or web equivilant; or,
2) You are an experienced model and want to collaborate with me on a project.
3) You are new or relatively new to modeling and you want some advice/help that may get you started earning money as a model;
4) Maybe you've been working at this for awhile and aren't getting anywhere but think you should be. Email me and we'll try to figure out what's not working for you. If you're nearby, we can set up a shoot.

P.S., I put my photo in with my models' photos so you know who you will be shooting with. It's usually near the end. (Thanks, Heather)
-Updated: June 3, 2010-


Status Fitness Magazine (Print) / 4 issues published. Shooting 5th.
Photos for staff writer Valerie Shaw

Rotting Flesh Radio website. Model: Jackie /
Extensive photo shoot with RFR spokesmodel 'Jackie' -
More planned.

The First 50 Years/em
Photography, Sound, Multi-Image Production

Certificate of Merit: Professional Contribution
Awarded by: International Association of Business
Communicators US District 7

Photographer - TV/Audio Studio [Camera/Editor/Mixer] - Multi-media Production

Photographer - Commercial Studio

Columbus College of Art and Design/
Substituted for instructor while he was on medical leave.

Columbus College of Art and Design/
Student - Photography

Magnetic Studios/
Sound engineer - All phases.

Student. - Stroller's Dramatic Society - Back Stage.

Photographer's Assistant/
To Mathew B. Brady, Photographer


02 Jun 10 20:44
Just stopping by your page to say hi! Please let me know if I can ever be of any assistance with retouching any of your photos.